Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What Would You Have Done?

I first saw this video on an MSNBC special edition of "Caught on Tape," a full hour episode of crazy videos of police altercations, car accidents, and fist fights in pizza parlors. When we walked into the house of my friend Krista, she was watching this video. Immediately we were all intrigued, but it was dinner time. With the help of SuddenLink's DVR capabilities, we recorded the show, and a few of us went out to get some pizza. Luckily, there was not a fight at the pizza place. I almost started on after waiting 20 minutes for breadsticks, though.

We returned to the house to finish the show to watch several replays of this video clip. Feel free to watch the video as many times as you would like. Imagine yourself getting jacked in the face by an NFL offensive lineman (For the record, the attacker is not an NFL lineman - he's just huge). The guy getting beat up suffered some broken bones and a concussion, but what would have happened had that fat dude on the right part of the screen or the stocky guy behind him actually did something besides watch and pick their noses?

Now, I'm no Superman, but I know that when someone within spitting reach is getting beat up, something inside me will most likely drive me to do something. I'm sure my friend Krista would have pulled out a nightstick or some brass knuckles and beat the snot out of the attacker, but those guys in the pizza place just watch while an innocent guy gets beat up.

"Whoa, that guy is huge. Whoa, uh, he just punched that guy."

"Yeah, dude, that one looked like it hurt."

"Whoa, we should do something."

"Yeah, let's just stand here and wait on our pizza."

"Whoa, good idea, bro-man."

"Yeah, uh, no pepperonis please."

That is not at all what those guys said, but I'm pretty sure that's what they thought. Basically, when you are standing in line at a pizza place, or any place for that matter, and you see a dude getting beat up, do something about it. Even if they attacker jacks you up, too, at least you get put on TV as "the person who got beat up while trying to save a guy's life" instead of "the _______ that just watched as a guy got beat up."

This post is dedicated to my good friend, Krista.

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